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Under construction!

The Legendary Wooden Nickel graciously allowed our Post to use their back room.  Our Post has voted to do some renovations of that room to properly display our Post history and to better showcase what the VFW does for our Veterans.  Stop by and check on the progress at the next Post meeting!

Interested in joining the VFW?

Do you know what the VFW does?  Do you know why we hand out Poppies?  Do you want to be part of a fraternal organization that helps Veterans?  The VFW wants you.


If you're interested in learning more, come to a Post meeting.  We meet on the second Thursday of every month at 7:00.  Our Post is co-located within the Wooden Nickel, 444 Lakeview Parkway, Highwood, IL.  Stop in and learn about what you can do!

Another Smashing Success at BINGO!

18 Veterans were in attendance for last month's BINGO night held at Lovell FHCC.  Although nobody was injured, there were some heated battles and name calling during a few of the rounds.


"We see this quite a bit at BINGO night," commented Steve Skoropad.  "These old guys have a lot of fire left in them!"

© 2017 by Highland Park, IL VFW Post 4737

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