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  • VFW Post 4737 members were out in force over Memorial Day weekend greeting community members and distributing Poppies to pay homage to our fallen service members who paid the ultimate sacrifice to defend our freedoms.  Fundraising proceeds allowed for the purchase of  10 motorized scooters for local disabled veterans at the Captain James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center.  




  • Mercy Home for Boys & Girls - Provided support for local children who have been victims of violence. Compassionate counseling is helping children overcome trauma so they can look forward to a successful future.




  • Special Olympics - Illinois - Assisted in providing year round sports training for local children & adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage and experience joy with family, friends and other Special Olympics athletes.  




  • We have Adopted a Highway - or, a small road in Highwood.  St John's Street runs along Highwood's east side, and our Post is responsible for keeping it clean.  Here is a snaphot of one of our Post members' daughters out helping the cause!




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  • Lydia Home -  Helping local children recover who have been emotionally, physically or sexually abused is why we provide our resources to Lydia Home.   




  • American Action Fund - To support increased literacy in local blind children, teens and adults, we provide assistance to produce Braille calendars.  Additionally, our support has helped provide people with the opportunity to trade Braille books with other people throughout the country. 




  • Illinois Fire Safety Alliance - Every kid deserves to go to a summer camp. Our support helped children and teens who have experienced injuries from burns attend the one week "I am Me" camp with those with similar experiences. Campers benefit physically, psychologically, and emotional.  


  • Veteran Carnival - VFW Post 4737 members recently participated in a Veteran Carnival at Captain James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center. Post members grilled and served lunch to our great veterans at the center. 



  • We support our local Boy Scouts.  We were approached to support an Eagle Scout project of creating boxes to collect old or worn out flags for proper disposal.  We were happy to help, and the presentation given was really great!  We were happy to donate some money to help him complete his project.  Well done!

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© 2017 by Highland Park, IL VFW Post 4737

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